Japan in pictures
The kansai region
The kanto region
The chugoku region
The chubu region
The tohoku region
Kyushu island

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Nihon Wa forums Deviantart gallery Sekai Wa, website about my trip around the world


Nihon Wa is born from its forum. It was a good way to keep in touch with my family and my friends after my expatriation in Japan. I promised them to make a website, but it was easier for me at first, to share my dailylife though forums. The forums grew and I finally decided to launch Nihon Wa website to complete them.

PS: I'm french, sorry for my bad english....

The site

Opening 06/2005 for evaluation via forums
11/2005 indexation on google and yahoo
Webmaster Lou
Remarks Nihon Wa is under copyright, all rights reserved. Contact me if you want to use informations or photos.


Opening 11/08/2004 Opening as private forums
23/02/2005 Opening as public forums
Administrators Lou & Crou
Moderators Gui
Remarks Please read carefully the charter of the forums before registration.

1 connected visitor Nihon Wa by Lou © - 2005~2024 -
  visitors since the 20/06/2005